Thursday, 24 September 2015

World Youth Championships Arco 2015 (Issy)

In August I traveled to Italy to compete in the World Youth Climbing Championships! I was excited as this was the biggest competition I had ever taken part in in my life, and I wanted to see the standard of the best climbers in the world!
Qualifier 2
Photo by Nick Pope
We spent 10 days staying in Arco, and before the comp we visited two crags, and climbed at an amazing wall in Bolzano. I much preferred the first crag we visited, despite there being a general preference towards the second. The climbs were pumpy, but also quite technical, and really fun to climb! I attempted to onsight a 7b, however I fell off right at the top (much to my frustration!) when I couldn't find the hand hold. It was a great climb however, even though I was highly disappointed I didn't do it- it was the hardest climb I had ever tried to onsight outdoors! The climbing wall in Bolzano was one of the best I have ever seen! The routes were very long and steep, and there was a huge variety of climbs! I had fun climbing some easier but pumpy routes as some last-minute preparation for the worlds. The final crag we visited was after the comp was over. I didn't enjoy this crag as much, as it was a style I had never encountered before. Some of the routes were 40m long! I had a go on a long and pumpy 7a+, and found the climbing style very strange. However, it was interesting nonetheless, and I had a good time!
My experience at the competition was good, however I still felt I could have climbed much better. the first route was steep at the top, and technical nearer the bottom. I read the route, and warmed up thoroughly. There was not much space to warm up however- it was packed with people! I climbed past the first crux easily, but then got myself into an awkward position on the footholds instead of the handholds I was supposed to be on. I cam off awkwardly slapping for a sloper, and I was very disappointed as I could have climbed so much higher had I followed the sequence I had planned. The second qualifier was overhanging, with better holds, and I thought that I would be able to make up a lot of placings on this route. However, I climbed badly, putting in a very bad performance and falling off an easy move about 1/3 of the way up. I immediately recognized my mistakes, and was devastated! Due to this climb, I places 38th overall. This was still a good result, however I was disappointed not to make semis. I had a great time in Arco however, and thanks to the team management for a great trip!

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