Thursday 24 September 2015

Junior British Bouldering Championships 2015 (Issy)

I went in to this competition without any expectations- mainly because I considered myself to be a lead climber, not a boulderer. However I was really happy with my result! I surprised myself, and climbed well, and the comp was great fun! As per usual, I climbed much better on the qualifying blocs than the finals. They were technical, and really fun to climb! I topped 5 blocs in 6 attempts (out of 8), and this put me into the finals in 4th position. I was really happy to make finals, particularly as I am in the bottom of B, and will be back in B again next year! However the final blocs were much more challenging, and I topped 1 in 1 attempt (out of 3). Overall I placed 5th, and I was really pleased as making finals in itself was a huge achievement! I hope to do more boulder comps next year, it was a great experience!

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