Monday 2 February 2015

GB Lead Climbing Team Inaugural Meeting Jan-Feb 2015 (Issy)

On Friday the 30th January my family and I traveled to Sheffield for my first GB team inaugural meeting. On Saturday morning we met at the Royal Victoria Holiday Inn for a meeting presented by Ian Dunn to discuss what it means to be in the team. We learnt who was who on the team management and had a look at the competitions we would be attending this year. Then, Nick Colton lead a presentation on child safeguarding before we drove to Awesome Walls Sheffield for some climbing and fitness testing. It was really fun to catch up and climb with some team mates before our testing!
On Sunday we met at Awesome Walls for our one-to-one meetings with the team managers, and our medicals. I am looking forward to competing in my first ever European competitions this year, and getting to know my team mates better!

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